sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2017

Prep Cosmetics Scales Business with Apple, Vend and Xero | Kelly Barker | Xero

http://bit.do/de5Nt Scan2Invoice sale page.
As a small business owner and mother – Kelly Barker values time. And as the founder of Prep Cosmetics, she stretches her time to find efficiencies to run and grow her business. Now skip to a random visit to the Apple Store and Genius Bar – and meeting the Business Development Manager at Apple. The manager invited Kelly to a workshop that included Vend and Xero. By her own admission, Kelly went to the workshop with minimal expectations. She left with a completely new time-saving way of doing business. "Vend and Xero was exactly what I needed in order to scale and build the infrastructure – all the way from capturing the customer's information to the transaction and the shipping, [while] keeping my inventory management controls the same. And all that ties into Xero – so it was like this complete homerun." To think, it all started with a random visit to the Apple Store. "I didn't even know when I walked into the store, two hours before, that I was going to have a whole processing flow and infrastructure platform. It was awesome." Learn more at www.xero.com

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