marți, 21 martie 2017

Is The Amazon Echo Spying On Us? Me Thinks So Hidden discounts at Spyera.
I bought an Amazon Echo Dot for my wife at Christmas as a novelty gift. I thought it would be fun. However, recently I've had second thoughts about having an Amazon Echo in my home due to privacy concerns. These smart devices have been in the news lately. WikiLeaks has just published documents called Vault 7 that show that our government is spying on ordinary U.S. citizens with these types of smart devices. I'm not so sure it's smart to have one of these in our home. It appears from some of the news I've read that Amazon Echo stores all the information it knows about you in the cloud. It may store your actual voice recordings. On my Amazon Echo App on my iPhone, every command I've ever given to Alexa shows on my app which basically proves all my info is being stored by Amazon and who knows who they are sharing it with. The Amazon Echo is no longer welcome in my home and I must put it out of it's misery. Smartphones and computers aren't much better when it comes to our individual privacy. Be careful out there and do your best to protect your own privacy. Here on The Adventure Outdoors Channel, I make videos about a lot of different things and I have categorized them into playlists. Check out my various outdoor adventures video playlists and I hope you enjoy the videos. Do you have gear you would like me to review? Mail: Steve Sherron P.O. Box 1456 Monroe, NC 28111 Follow me on Twitter, Become a subscriber today and join me, get ready for adventure. Here is a link to my channel homepage where I have all my content conveniently categorized for your viewing. Hobie Outback Kayak Videos: Outdoor Equipment & Gear Reviews: Kayak Fishing Video Production Tips: Adventure Travel Kayak Fishing Adventures Hiking & Camping Adventures Here is a playlist of all my hammock related videos. Cutting Room Floor Videos My videos may contain affiliate links. #adventureoutdoors adventure outdoors

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