sâmbătă, 23 septembrie 2017

Water Dowsing Expert Demonstrates Skill For News

http://bit.do/dLJiu Secret promo at AbcFastDirectory.
Website: http://www.jackcoelwaterdowsing.com Jack Coel is a full time Dowser, some people call it water witching. Jack has been Dowsing for over 39 years and does over 400 locations a year. Jack Coel is listed in 34 telephone Directories and up to 10 newspapers. Jack travels over 70,000 miles a year to produce as much water as possible. My mission in life is to find water. I have provided over 9,500 well sites the last 39 years, dowsing. I regularly and consistently outperform any technology, science, or part-time dowsing amateur in locating water. Large municipal or agricultural locations as well as domestic sources are identified. Over the years, I have provided well sites for the U.S. Dept. of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, State of California, many municipalities, School Districts, many large agricultural wells, etc. I am the only full time professional Water Dowser in the western U.S. I can be found in 40 telephone directories and up to 15 newspapers in five states, and the Internet. I charge $975.00 to Dowse per parcel. I charge travel at $50.00 per hour, one way. My fee typically amounts to the cost of 20-30 foot of drilling, sends you after your best source, and eliminates dry holes. I am coming from Upper Lake, CA in Lake County. I will consider any job, anywhere. Reach me at Jack Coel (800) 787-2128 or (707) 350-2128 for International Calls Only. Matthew 7:7

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