joi, 15 iunie 2017

Using Adobe InDesign with Word - Part 1 (Prepare your Word Document) Limited time offer at Anthemion.
Today I'm going to talk about how to make your long documents in Word very easily usable in InDesign. I know a lot of people are afraid of InDesign because it's really a complicated program, but hopefully the next series of tutorials that I'm going to do here will help you out, and I'm going to give you a free template that I use that will make your life much easier. The first thing we have to do is decide that we're going to use InDesign, which we have decided. The next thing to do is most people have Word or something similar but I'm going to use Microsoft Word as an example. What do you do when you have your whole document, all the chapters and everything in one big file. The best thing to do is to split that out, and it can be done in probably five or 10 minutes. I'm going to show you a quick way to do that. The reason you want to do that when we get to the InDesign portion of it is, a lot of people make the mistake of just importing the whole big document, but if you ever have to change something to a chapter or add to it or anything else it becomes a pain because all your formatting and where you place things besides the text don't live there anymore. If you put it in what's called an InDesign book chapter by chapter it's much easier to add, subtract, edit, if you find something later. It just keeps things cleaner, automatically page numbers and everything else. I'll show you all that when we get to that. First thing we're going to do is import, or open a file in Word I should say. I've opened up the file that I'm going to do. This is the third book of a three book series that I'm compiling into one, so it will show you how to take all this and make it a really nice looking book instead of your usual crappy book that somebody made out of Word with a really bad template. I figure if you're going to do it right, do it right.

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