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In this video we are going to learn how to use the Color OLED display with the SSD1331 driver with Arduino. It's very easy! A few weeks ago, I discovered this promising new display on and I thought that it might be useful in some of our projects so I bought it right away. It is a Color OLED display! I have used this small monochrome OLED display in some of my previous projects and I love it. So, I couldn't resist having a color OLED display. I have loaded a demo sketch and as you can see the display is fast and bright. It is brighter than LCD displays because it uses the OLED technology and of course it uses less power. The power usage will vary with how many pixels are lit, the maximum is around 25mA. The cost of this color OLED display is around $11. -------------------- WHERE TO BUY -------------------- Color OLED: Arduino Uno: Small Breadboard: Wires: Full disclosure: All of the links above are affiliate links. I get a small percentage of each sale they generate. Thank you for your support! The display is very small. It has almost the same size as the monochrome OLED display. But the resolution of it is not the same. It has a resolution of 96x64 pixels. So, it has a lower resolution at the same size. It can display 65 thousand colors! The display I bought, uses the SPI interface so we have to connect 7 pins in order to make it work. The monochrome ones that I have bought, use the I2C interface which requires only 4 pins. So, we need more wires in order to connect it with Arduino. Let's how to achieve that. I am going to connect the color OLED display to an Arduino Uno. GND pin goes to Arduino GND. Vcc pin goes to either 3.3V or 5V output of the Arduino Uno. I connect it to the 3.3V output of the Arduino Uno. The next pin of the display is named SCL which is a mistake. It is actually CLK pin of the SPI interface. So CLK pin goes to digital pin 13 on the Arduino Uno. The next pin is also labeled wrong. It is named SDA but it is actually MOSI pin of the SPI interface. So the 4th pin of the display goes to digital pin 11. The next pin is RES which goes to digital pin 9. The 6th pin is DC which goes to digital pin 8. The last pin is CS which goes to digital pin 10. That's it, we have connected the display to the hardware SPI pins of the Arduino Uno board. This way we can achieve the best performance possible. Let's now power up the board to see if everything works ok. As you can see the display works fine and the demo sketch is running. -------------------- LIBRARIES -------------------- -------------------- CODE OF THE PROJECT -------------------- As you can see it is very easy to use this color OLED display with Arduino. Since we use our familiar Adafruit GFX library with this display we can easily develop sketches with it. You can find the code for this simple sketch I have developed in the description of the video. I have also started working on a simple Pong game using this display. I will post a video when ready. I really like this display, I think it will be my choice for small handheld project. I would love to hear your opinion about this display. What kind of projects do you want to build with it? Please post any comments or ideas in the comments section below! Thanks! -------------------- FACT OR FICTION 2018 Quiz Game -------------------- You can download my latest Android Game which is called Fact or Fiction 2018 here: 📥 -------------------- MORE PROJECTS -------------------- Arduino Datalogger: Arduino Weather Station Project: Arduino Nokia 5110 LCD Display: Arduino OLED display tutorial: DIY Arduino: -------------------- ABOUT EDUC8S.TV -------------------- is a Youtube channel and website which is dedicated in developing high quality videos about DIY hardware and software projects. In this channel we develop projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, we build robots and simple electronic circuits. Check out our website as well for more information: -------------------- SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE -------------------- Never miss a video:
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