vineri, 22 februarie 2019

Article Forge Tutorial - Online SEO Article Builder Tips Enter to see the secret sale page at GSA-Online. - In this tutorial about Article Forge I present a How-To review on using their online article generator to create topical 750 word computer generated SEO content with image, video and anchored links embedded. Article Forge needs just a primary keyword phrase to rapidly build an article, but additional secondary keywords can be added to help it automatically generate better thematic content. Some of the settings shown in this Article Forge tutorial include setting document length and quality, whether to create Title and section heading variations, whether to include a related image or YouTube video, whether to link to a paid CopyScape account to insure uniqueness, or whether to optionally link to a WordAI Spinner account at - to provide spinning down to the word level. Article Forge can automatically publish to free or self-hosted WordPress blogs. Document settings include the ability to provide a list of anchor text keywords and a list of links to randomly attach to those as the document is generated: Very useful for anchor text diversification and deep-linking to inner pages or across multiple niche sites or PBN's. These Article Forge tips didn't include an assessment of the resulting article quality. I'll cover than in another video. For rapidly generating content drafts for Money Sites, I prefer Articoolo - for rapid article building with more cohesive paragraphs. Article Forge content seems best for Tiered Link Building, and it's WP posting features make that really easy. Do subscribe to my MacSEOTips channel if you haven't already - and visit my blog at for deeper insights on how to make money from the comfort of a Macintosh computer. Thanks for watching!

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