duminică, 24 februarie 2019

Safely Scrape Google Using Private Proxies

https://bit.ly/2A0dGnp Enter to see the secret sale page at GSA-Online.
Get ScrapeBox -- http://www.scrapebox.com Free Addons - http://www.scrapebox.com/addons Scraping search engine results can be daunting and while public proxies provide a viable solution to scraping, private proxies can safely be used as well. Best place to get proxies and a discount on them is here: http://scrapeboxfaq.com/scrapebox-proxies Many people don't realize that they can safely use private or shared proxies to scrape google and not get their IPs banned or cause any issues. This video covers using a 1:5 and 1:10 ratio for various scraping options and explains how to do so. It also covers the concept of scraping with those ratios, which essentially provides a delay and allows you to endlessly harvest with private paid proxies.

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