sâmbătă, 30 martie 2019

Vitamins and their deficiency diseases - Static GK for Entrance Exams

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Vitamins and their deficiency diseases - Static GK for Entrance Exams Our website ( https://www.successcds.net ) is one of the leading portal on Entrance Exams and Admissions in India. The types of Vitamins - A, B complex, C, D, E, K. Scientific or chemical names, Sources, deficiency diseases, effects of over consumption of Vitamins have been discussed for questions asked in GK section of the Competitive Examinations. VITAMIN K (Phylloquinone) Source - Green leafy vegetables, soya beans. The human body can also produce Vitamin K through germs in the colon (part of small intestine). Functions - Helps blood clotting, prevent over bleeding and maintains health of the liver Symptoms of Deficiency - Uncontrol bleeding from wounds due to clotting difficulty Symptoms of Excess – Can lead to Liver damage VITAMIN E (Tocopherol) Beauty Vitamin Source - Green leafy vegetables, whole-wheat cereals, nuts, sprouts, egg yolk Function - Maintains normal conditions of cells, and healthy skin and tissues, protects red blood cells, Antioxidation, Enhance immunity Symptoms of Deficiency - New born infants: hemolytic anemia, Adults: weakness Symptoms of Excess - Low thyroxine level, Fertility Disease, Headache, dizziness, fatigue, Stomach discomfort, poor appetite VITAMIN D (Calciferol) (Sunshine Vitamin) Source - Egg yolk, liver, cod liver oil, fish. Our skins also produce Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight Function - Helps body absorb and utilize calcium and phosphorus, to maintain bones, teeth and brain healthy, Maintains normal calcium level in blood Symptoms of Deficiency - Children: rickets, Adults: Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis Symptoms of Excess - Calcified cartilage, High calcium level in the blood causes abnormal heart beat and damage to organs such as kidneys, Vomiting, diarrhea, Sore eyes, Itchy skin VITAMIN A (Retinol) Source - Dairy products, cod liver oil, liver, dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits Function - Maintains eye health, promotes growth and development, maintains healthy bones and teeth, Enhances the protection and regeneration of cells and mucous membrane, maintains healthy respiratory and intestinal tracts, Maintain healthy hair, nails and skin Symptoms of Deficiency - Night blindness, dry eyes, Dry skin, Stomach discomfort, Poor growth, Weak bones and teeth Symptoms of Excess - Dry, scaly, peeling, and itchy skin, rash, Hair loss, Poor appetite, fatigue, Vomiting, stomach discomfort, Liver injury, Headache, bone pain, Nervousness, irritability VITAMIN B1 (Thymine) Source - sprouts, yeast Disease - Beri-beri VITAMIN B2 (Ryboflabin) Source - sprout, present in cow's milk(yellowish) Disease - Cheilosis, ulceration VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine) Function- It is responsible for remembering dreams. Symptoms of Deficiency – Anaemia, Nervousness, insomnia, depression, Muscle cramps VITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid) Source - Citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, lemon, strawberry, black current, kiwi fruit, tomato, green leafy vegetables, green pepper Function - Helps synthesize collagen; promotes the growth and repair of cells, gum, teeth, blood vessels and bones, helps healing after operation and injury, helps calcium and iron absorption, Enhances immunity Symptoms of Deficiency – Scurvy, Gum inflammation and bleeding, fall of teeth, Susceptibility to skin bleeding, burst of capillary vessels, Weakness, fatigue, Bone pain, swollen and aching joints Symptoms of Excess- Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Kidney stone Also visit our Channel for Entrance Exams in India FAQs & Application Process, GK & Current Affairs, Communication Skills Get Entrance Exam Alerts / Admission Alerts/ Study Tips on Whatsapp! Register Now https://goo.gl/RSxXmW #examalerts #entranceexams #admission #cbse #class10 #class12 Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/SuccessCD https://google.com/+successcds https://twitter.com/entranceexam https://twitter.com/successcds https://www.youtube.com/successcds1 https://www.youtube.com/englishacademy1

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