marți, 7 februarie 2017

Email Marketing - The Most Under Utilized Tool For Local Business 40% Off at Thundermailer. Email auto-responders are - I would venture to say - the most misunderstood tools on the internet. Without the use of an automated email system you cannot possibly take full advantage of marketing to your existing customers, unless you have a dedicated crack team who consistently sell to those past customers. That was a mouthful, but it's the truth. Statistics show that at least 90% of all businesses miss the opportunity to sell to existing or past customers. Those people are the easiest to sell to because of the trust you built at first, and they are also the most cost effective sales because of reduced marketing costs. Take advantage of this gold mine and start building a powerful data base of prospects and sell more consistently. At the same time start mining your existing customers for higher profits, referrals and branding. Virtual Anchor Phone: (604) 256-1115 246 5th St W North Vancouver, BC V7M 1K1

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