miercuri, 15 noiembrie 2017

Box Success Story: Symantec turns to cloud content management to tackle security

http://tinyurl.com/y7fknpdw Secret sale page at U-Btech.
The largest software security company in the world can't afford to sacrifice mobility, security and usability in its technology, which is why Symantec chose Box when searching for enterprise content management. More about Cloud Content Management with Box: www.box.com "Transformation at Symantec has been quite a journey," says CIO Sheila Jordan. "Mobile devices have allowed us to have what I call mobile moments of productivity." These on-the-fly moments, when team members around the world connect back to the office or with a customer from a device in their pocket, bring the company one step closer to perfecting their employee experience as well as their team communication. When Jordan came to Symantec, she was already familiar with Box. She quickly noticed that Symantec didn't have a single content repository that would allow team members to share files safely. With 17,000 employees worldwide, the company needed a uniform and user-friendly way to get information in the right hands at the right time without delay. Jordan knew that cloud content management would give the technology company a nimble and secure mechanism to share content. No one recognizes the value of secure file sharing more than a software security company, so finding a sufficiently-secure cloud content management tool was top of mind for Jordan and her team. They chose Box because of its superior security features and specifically the privacy options Box allows. Facilitating a more productive sales organization was one of the prime motivators behind upgrading Symantec's file management software and collaboration system, but for sales to succeed, every other team in the organization needed to be on board. Once Box was integrated, says Jordan, "It went almost viral overnight. It opened up communication across the organization." Using the power of content to help marketing communicate with engineering communicate with sales, Symantec has improved content management company-wide for what Jordan calls "explosive value sharing." Using one platform to solve a problem across the entire global team simplifies Symantec's operations, makes everyone's jobs easier and renders customers much happier. About Box Box is the Cloud Content Management company that empowers enterprises to revolutionize how they work by securely connecting their people, information and applications. For more information, visit www.box.com More about Box's cloud content management solution: https://www.box.com/content-management "Transformation at Symantec has been quite a journey," says CIO Sheila Jordan. "Mobile devices have allowed us to have what I call mobile moments of productivity." These on-the-fly moments, when team members around the world connect back to the office or with a customer from a device in their pocket, bringthe company one step closer to perfecting their employee experience as well as their team communication. When Jordan came to Symantec, she was already familiar with Box. She quickly noticed that Symantec didn't have a single content repository that would allow team members to share files safely. With 17,000 employees worldwide, the company needed a uniform and user-friendly way to get information in the right hands at the right time without delay. Jordan knew that cloud content management would give the technology company a nimble and secure mechanism to share content. Keyword: secure. No one recognizes the value of secure file sharing more than a software security company, so finding a super secure cloud content management tool was top of mind for Jordan and her team. They chose Box because of its superior security features and specifically the privacy options Box allows. Facilitating a more productive sales organization was one of the prime motivators behind upgrading Symantec's file management software and collaboration system, but for sales to succeed, every other team in the organization needed to be on board. Once Box was integrated, says Jordan, "It went almost viral overnight. It opened up communication across the organization." Using the power of content to help marketing communicate with engineering communicate with sales, Symantec has improved content management company-wide for what Jordan calls "explosive value sharing." Using one platform to solve a problem across the entire global team simplifies Symantec's operations, makes everyone's jobs easier and renders customers much happier. Box is the Cloud Content Management company that empowers enterprises to revolutionize how they work by securely connecting their people, information and applications. For more information, visit http://www.box.com Since 2005, Box has made it easier for people to securely share ideas, collaborate and get work done faster. Today, more than 41 million users and 57,000 businesses—including 59% of the Fortune 500—trust Box to manage content in the cloud.

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