Secret sale page at Raqsoft.
Hi my name is Roger Ahuja and I'm going to take a moment and show you a couple of things you can do in Internet Explorer when web pages don't display properly. The first is compatibility view. It looked like this in the prior versions of Internet Explorer. In this version it's a little bit different. This is Internet Explorer 11. I'm going to go to this web page as an example. And as you can see it doesn't load at all. There's just a big black screen and now if I go to settings and go to compatibility view settings and add this website. Now it works fine. Another thing that you can do, I'll use Kingston as an example here you go to their memory search tool and you're going to see this many times down here "only secure content is displayed". Now what happens there is you've got a website that has secure content and content that's not secure. By default, Internet Explorer is only going to display the secure content which means that when you go to do a search here, it doesn't work very well because it can't access all of the information. There is an option under internet options here that will let us to change that under security under custom level and then under the miscellaneous section which is right here there is display mixed content and you can enable that. Now Microsoft doesn't recommend this, but if you know what web pages you're going to and you know what you're doing you can go ahead & do it. But this is at your own risk. Once I say okay here and I reopen Internet Explorer and go to and do a search and now I don't get that error message and I can search without any problems and that's it.
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